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Thursday, 9 February 2017

Watch Trailer Beauty and Beast movie Directed by Bill Condon

The fascinating story of a young and courageous prince who gets bonded in a form of a beast is told in this Beauty and the Beast. Once a lively and beautiful palace gets captivated in witchcraft powers and spells.The audience can watch beauty and the beast movie through our fansite. 

The prince is lost and unrecognizable but something might save him. There is this one girl; Belle, who is beautiful, strong and independent. She happens to get imprisoned in this lost castle but almost everyone there becomes her friend.

She discovers another side of this beast that is believed to be cruel and inhuman. It is a tale that is beautifully unwrapped.

Emma Watson is believed to be gracing the film industry with her potential in whatever she does.  In this tale that has an ancient style, is really good for the movie. Emma’s beauty is at its best and the beast is really a beast. 

Disney’s fairy tale beauty and the Beast will rock over the other beauty and the beast movies we have ever seen. It was revealed that Emma chose to star as Belle in this movie and refused to star as Cinderella in a movie that was given to her first

She later defended her decisions as lacking passion for the Cinderella character. She felt that she would portray Belle best and so, she took it up

One of the points highly thrown out about this movie is that it is a remake a fact we can’t deny. Many movies of this title have graced our televisions but we expect more from this one

We guess so because it is from Disney; the masters of romance and comedy movies. The love story is good and as depicted in the trailers; Emma is fit for her character as she looks more pretty and young in it.

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