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Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Growing up smith Trailer comedy film by Frank Lotito

Growing up smith is drama and comedy film, is now ready with its initial release on 3rd February 2017 in USA. The director Frank Lotito has focused on the interesting life turns of the 10 year old growing boy. Fans could enjoy music directed by the Michael Lira and Screen Plays   Of Anjul Nigam, Paul Quinn and Gregory Scott Houghton you all can also now watch Growing up smith online full movie on moviesputlocker.me.
Growing up smith Movie poster

It is the story of growing 10 year old boy named smith whose birth place is India but now he is growing up in the small town of America. It is the story plotted in 1979, when the Indian family of growing Indian and American boy is straddling the fine line between the heritage of Indian culture and embracing the American dreams.
Growing up smith
 The family enjoys the barbecues, hunting and Halloween all together for their effort to make balance between American and Indian culture and traditions. In the mean time that passionate growing boy falls in love with next door Girl Amy.
Growing up smith Src- IMDB
He thinks Amy to be having butch as a father, who provide her space and time and even wish that he could also have father like butch. The love story might be one sided takes the sad turn when the father of smith named Bhasskar banishes back him to India, in the hope that he could prevent him from becoming the American boy and turn him as respectable cultured Indian boy.

With this decision of his father, his love and obsession for living American dream takes wrong turn and it propels the smith away from his family and their ideals. But after the 9 years he came back to America when he already has become teenager of 19.So it will be great to watch the return of smith after long time to the place to which he could call home.

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