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Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Beauty & the Beast: Josh and luke evans Performs Gaston and Josh Groban sings new Song

Fans of Beauty and The Beast got the interesting news about the performance of Josh and Evans and new song of Josh Groban “Evermore” in the movie. The fans can enjoy this song in the end credits and the sound track. The song “Evermore” as a soaring ballad will be performed by the Beast after he releases Belle to be with her father. The viewers can watch beauty and the Beast online through our fansite.

This song is composed by the 8 times Oscar winning composer Alan Menken and 3 times Oscar winner Tim Rice and veteran lyricist. Audience’s wait will get over on March 17th with the release of Disney’s Beauty and Beast. This live action re telling of the animated classic of studio that refashions the classic characters of the old tale with the original touch and several new songs. The movie is about the bright, beautiful and independent woman and his journey of being taken prisoner by the beast in the castle. In the castle of the beast, she overcome her fears and become friend with the beast and relies the king heart and soul of true prince inside the beast.

Fans could enjoy the fantastic music and the story of extreme beauty that even allure the beast and melt his stone heart. Star cast of the movie including Emma Waston as Belle, beautiful young woman, Dan Stevens as beast, Luke Evans as Gaston, Oscar winner Kevin Kline, Josh Gad as Lefou, is adding feather to the cap.

This movie is going to release soon on the silver screen, in which sparks of beauty will ignite the heart of beast. Even fans could enjoy the beauty with the combination of her victory on her fears and her friendship with the beast that become the reason for the end of her prison from the castle of beast.

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Watch Trailer Beauty and Beast movie Directed by Bill Condon

The fascinating story of a young and courageous prince who gets bonded in a form of a beast is told in this Beauty and the Beast. Once a lively and beautiful palace gets captivated in witchcraft powers and spells.The audience can watch beauty and the beast movie through our fansite. 

The prince is lost and unrecognizable but something might save him. There is this one girl; Belle, who is beautiful, strong and independent. She happens to get imprisoned in this lost castle but almost everyone there becomes her friend.

She discovers another side of this beast that is believed to be cruel and inhuman. It is a tale that is beautifully unwrapped.

Emma Watson is believed to be gracing the film industry with her potential in whatever she does.  In this tale that has an ancient style, is really good for the movie. Emma’s beauty is at its best and the beast is really a beast. 

Disney’s fairy tale beauty and the Beast will rock over the other beauty and the beast movies we have ever seen. It was revealed that Emma chose to star as Belle in this movie and refused to star as Cinderella in a movie that was given to her first

She later defended her decisions as lacking passion for the Cinderella character. She felt that she would portray Belle best and so, she took it up

One of the points highly thrown out about this movie is that it is a remake a fact we can’t deny. Many movies of this title have graced our televisions but we expect more from this one

We guess so because it is from Disney; the masters of romance and comedy movies. The love story is good and as depicted in the trailers; Emma is fit for her character as she looks more pretty and young in it.

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Bella Throne now Featuring in Movie Keep Watching

A family is in captivity and they can’t run to anyone for help. As normal families do, they are meant to sleep at night but the devil has made a tower in their home for the night. The audience can watch movie: keep watching through our website.

A group of evil people has made the lives of certain members in a home a chess game. They are forced to play a game which requires to kill or be killed. They are given rules to follow and they are all death encircled

As daytime comes, they get to clearly understand what they are involved with. They are being watched by people out there who are also in a bondage

We don’t know if these people think it’s a movie or a real happening event. They are all in problems and we can’t get the end of the story

Keep watching is a horror movie that is coming out this year. More of the news about it will get out soon since many things like filming are still underway

Even the official trailer is not yet out, so, there is a lot that is still going on. It is directed by Sean Carter and written by Joseph Dembner starring Bella Thorne and other leading personalities in the field

The movie will turn your heart since it is all about interfering with other people’s lives and making them play games that will end their lives in just a few hours. This is made worse when even others watching are riveted

So we ask who is playing the other and how will the story end because it seems we have many victims than we thought and we wonder what the evil-minded fellows based on to make such plans

The rest and all will be revealed in the movie that is yet to come.

Friday, 3 February 2017

The best Power ranger movie in years is coming in no big Time

For some good years, we have not seen power ranger movies but this one comes in such a great time for us. In a Lionsgate power ranger movie, we can see really amazing work. The audience can watch power rangers online through our website.

It has taken their time and resources to bring the latest story of power rangers which is more modernized and of a bigger story that can’t be missed by anybody.
The synopsis of it- some teenagers attending a college school get mixed up with some super powers. They are able to do bigger and wonderful things that they never imagined before

They can fight huge elements, break rocks, jump heights and above all become a powerful instrument when joined and working together. They later realize that all their new abilities are to be used in saving the world

They have to face enemies that desire to destroy the world and this is their new task on the list. It is a delightful movie that can be watched by children and adults.

The team is headed by a Zordon and as we can see in the trailers and latest posters so far, each character is at it’s best and we can’t expect anything less this year

The movie is expected to be released in March, it an adventure, action and sci-fi movie. According to Tomatometer, at least 95% are eagerly waiting for it

Recently, power rangers topped the chart of the most watched trailers and we can’t be happier to say that it put down some movies that were expected to be better than it

This is an indication that fans have missed the games and movies of power rangers that rocked in the 90s and the years thereafter. This has taken long but we are sure that it has been worth it.

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Growing up smith Trailer comedy film by Frank Lotito

Growing up smith is drama and comedy film, is now ready with its initial release on 3rd February 2017 in USA. The director Frank Lotito has focused on the interesting life turns of the 10 year old growing boy. Fans could enjoy music directed by the Michael Lira and Screen Plays   Of Anjul Nigam, Paul Quinn and Gregory Scott Houghton you all can also now watch Growing up smith online full movie on moviesputlocker.me.
Growing up smith Movie poster

It is the story of growing 10 year old boy named smith whose birth place is India but now he is growing up in the small town of America. It is the story plotted in 1979, when the Indian family of growing Indian and American boy is straddling the fine line between the heritage of Indian culture and embracing the American dreams.
Growing up smith
 The family enjoys the barbecues, hunting and Halloween all together for their effort to make balance between American and Indian culture and traditions. In the mean time that passionate growing boy falls in love with next door Girl Amy.
Growing up smith Src- IMDB
He thinks Amy to be having butch as a father, who provide her space and time and even wish that he could also have father like butch. The love story might be one sided takes the sad turn when the father of smith named Bhasskar banishes back him to India, in the hope that he could prevent him from becoming the American boy and turn him as respectable cultured Indian boy.

With this decision of his father, his love and obsession for living American dream takes wrong turn and it propels the smith away from his family and their ideals. But after the 9 years he came back to America when he already has become teenager of 19.So it will be great to watch the return of smith after long time to the place to which he could call home.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer

The audience can watch  Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice online movie through our website at free of cost. If anyone interested to get more details about batman v superman movie then you can visdit our website vat anytime or anywhere.