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Friday, 21 October 2016

Biggest Challenge in Creation of Doctor Strange's Costume

Biggest Challenge for Alexandra Byrne in Creation of Doctor Strange's Costume..!

This is how Doctor Strange is going to be relesd on this november 4 which is perfectly directed by  Director: Scott Derrickson which is also the big challenge to him by making of this amazing movie according to the Doctor Strange event organised where comicbook has asked question about Creation of Doctor Strange's Costume, where he gives all the credit to Alexandra Byrne.

Alexandra Byrne is also the winner of Academy Award-winning costume designer and worke in Number of Marvel films as designer and  where her all the costumes are beloved by all and where Doctor Strange's Costume was the biggest challenge to her, and this is how all liked this costume.

Benedict Cumberbatch filming Marvel Pictures Doctor Strange costume - moviespulocker.me
Benedict Cumberbatch filming Marvel Pictures Doctor Strange costume - moviespulocker.me