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Thursday, 15 December 2016

Star Wars Movies And Games Fanfitction Review

Its all about the movie series of  Star Wars Story that which is now beloved by all from the its start in 1977 and its had number of movies and games that are built  and relates to this series. Here Are some on them are listed below have look.

List of Star Wars fan fiction Series

  • Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
  • Star Wars (1987) (Video Game)
  • Star Wars (1983) (Video Game)
  • Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
  • Star Wars: Episode VIII (2017)
  • Star Wars Rebels (2014) (TV Series)
  • Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) (TV Series)
  • Star Wars: Episode IX (2019)  
This is how now once again  director Gareth Edwards is now going to be released Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) which will now run in theaters on this 16 December 2016 (USA)  which is full of Action, Adventure and Sci-Fi where  Felicity Jones, Diego Luna and Alan Tudyk these great super stars are featuring together in this amazing movie...!

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Trailer (Official)

Friday, 18 November 2016

Passengers (2016) , starring Jennifer Lawrence & Chris Pratt: trailer, new poster

Upcoming movie Passengers (2016) starring  where Jennifer Lawrence and  Chris Pratt featuring together in this amazing movie. director Morten Tyldum has faced big challenge in making of this  Adventures and  Romantic movie where Sony Pictures Entertainment  has revealed to take the rights to the film. Here you can enjoy by watch Passengers online trailer from YouTube  which is shared below that you can also find poster of the movie which are also listed below..!

Passengers (2016) Movie Tariler


Passengers (2016) Movie Poster List  

Passengers (2016) Movie poster Jennifer Lawrence with Chris Pratt
Passengers (2016) Movie poster Jennifer Lawrence with Chris Pratt

Passengers (2016) Movie poster Jennifer Lawrence with Chris Pratt

Passengers (2016) Movie poster Jennifer Lawrence with Chris Pratt
Passengers (2016) Movie poster Jennifer Lawrence with Chris Pratt

Passengers (2016) Movie poster Jennifer Lawrence
Passengers (2016) Movie poster Jennifer Lawrence

Passengers (2016) Movie poster Sony Pictures Entertainment
Passengers (2016) Movie poster Sony Pictures Entertainment

Passengers (2016) Movie
Passengers (2016) Movie

Robert Zemeckis's Allied (2016) gets a new poster

Robert Zemeckis's  Allied (2016) gets a new poster

Here you can find Allied  movie poster whcih is shared below and i this movie you will see Max Vatan is a Canadian intelligence executive who meets Marianne Beausejour, a French Resistance fighter in North Africa in the back era of 1942. They are on a secret mission to discover the enemy shed. They meet again in London and get married, finally become parents. The relationship between the couple is significantly powerful and general however they are at a risk of war, when Vatan finds a chance that Beausejour is a sleeper spy who is involved with Germans. He is under a vast stress to kill his wife himself or get failed in following the orders. Under the impact of her innocence, he begins a tough target to save her from the war. you can also watch Allied online trailer on YouTube below.

Allied (2016) Movie poster
Allied (2016) Movie poster

Allied (2016) Movie poster
Allied (2016) Movie poster

Allied Teaser  officially uploaded by  Paramount Pictures 


Friday, 21 October 2016

Biggest Challenge in Creation of Doctor Strange's Costume

Biggest Challenge for Alexandra Byrne in Creation of Doctor Strange's Costume..!

This is how Doctor Strange is going to be relesd on this november 4 which is perfectly directed by  Director: Scott Derrickson which is also the big challenge to him by making of this amazing movie according to the Doctor Strange event organised where comicbook has asked question about Creation of Doctor Strange's Costume, where he gives all the credit to Alexandra Byrne.

Alexandra Byrne is also the winner of Academy Award-winning costume designer and worke in Number of Marvel films as designer and  where her all the costumes are beloved by all and where Doctor Strange's Costume was the biggest challenge to her, and this is how all liked this costume.

Benedict Cumberbatch filming Marvel Pictures Doctor Strange costume - moviespulocker.me
Benedict Cumberbatch filming Marvel Pictures Doctor Strange costume - moviespulocker.me